Every week Twitter sends an email telling you how many twitter followers you gained that week. This week, that comment
“Woohoo, Justin Bieber has got nothing on you, @NYCSingleMom!”
struck me as hilarious and completely outlandish. But I have to love that some genius (or should I say snarky engineer) at Twitter is stroking my mom blog ego by comparing me to Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber has over 35 Million (yes, 35 Million) followers compared to my oh so close to 10,000 followers. And if I ever even get to 1 Million followers it’s because I somehow find myself on a reality show (not) or embroiled in a scandal (not) or do something controversial (not.)
So I will revel in my one and only comparison to Justin Bieber compliment for two seconds so thanks Twitter for making my day.
Disclosure: And no I was not compensated for this post, although I should be. Yes, I am talking to you Twitter.