Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world. Tom Holland returns as Peter Parker, high school student hero from Queens who made his stand-alone debut in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Along for the ride as they go on a school trip to Europe are Peter’s best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon) and classmate/love interest Michelle “MJ” (Zendaya.)
There is much to love about this sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming (which I loved as well).
- Tom Holland as the titular Peter Parker, seriously is pitch-perfect as the Queens teenager who just wants to hang with his classmates and get the girl or try to get the girl. He stumbles and hems and haws at talking to his love interest MJ. He is the typical teenager afraid of “scary” adult figures like Nick Fury. His interactions with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury are hilarious.
- Bad Ass Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. I love that they included Nick Fury in this movie as a way to bridge the storyline from Avengers: Endgame and Peter’s connection to Iron Man. Any movie with Samuel L. Jackson is made better by his presence. He is a crowd pleaser and rightly so.
3. Zendaya as MJ and Jacob as Ned (Jacob Batalon), Peter’s best friend are integral to the movie bringing heartwarming, funny and cute scenes. Zendaya can do no wrong in my book. Her smart and sarcastic MJ is so different than the actresses who played MJ in past movies and it fits. The filmmakers also chose to not glamorize when she got to Europe. She did look nice but not glamourous would be so cliche, smart oddly dressed girl somehow becomes supermodel. What makes Peter’s crush on MJ, is that he likes her because she is so quirky and knows things.
4. Introduction of Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio, Peter’s “new mentor” and newest superhero. Peter is still sad from the loss of Tony Start. Mysterio becomes de facto his mentor and lifts Peter’s spirits while they battle the Elementals.
5. The action across the European cities. The movie has moved from New York to Prague, London and Berlin and it makes a difference in how the movie looks and feel. It’s a summer vacation you will never forget.
Do I recommend seeing Spider-Man: Far From Home? Yes, I do. It is the perfect summer movie, full of action, quips and bit of love.
Spider-Man: Far From Home opens July 2.
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Disclosure: NYC Single Mom attended a screening of Spider-Man: Far From Home to facilitate this review. Opinions are 100% my own.