9 Things My life Doesn’t Need in 2017
2017 is officially here. And with the New Year, there are so many things I want to do, change and accomplish. Rather than focus on making resolutions, I am taking a different perspective on my life and focus on things I don’t need this year.
1. Clutter – This past summer I spent every weekend getting rid of stuff yet I still have stuff. I’d like to tell you that I bought a lot of stuff since the summer but that is not the case. It is my goal to attempt to clear out all the stuff that we don’t need, use or can’t wear. I need to stop holding onto to stuff for whatever wacky reason and just it let it go.
2. Stress – I need to learn to manage stress better. It is likely that I will start seeing my therapist again. I love my friends and family but having an objective view is important. Basically someone who will listen to me with no judgments. Holding stress in not good for my soul or my health.
3. Social Media – Being a blogger means, I have to be online doing research, staying in touch on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. That said, I just have to stop checking every minute of the day to find out what is trending. I am going to have to say that it’s an addiction at this point to want to know what is going on all the time. It must stop now because I would like to actually read a book in 2017.
4) Eliminate procrastination – I constantly wait to do things at the last minute which has less to unneeded stress and occasionally results in financial penalties.
5) Criticizing myself – It’s all about acceptance in 2017- Love myself – Forgive myself – Accept myself. Be ME!! That’s my mantra in 2017.
6) Lackadaisical attitude towards what I eat – I need to pay more attention into what is actually in the packaged goods I eat. GMO, corn syrup and salt all contribute to a less than healthy eating habits so I need to actually read what is in the products I buy. This not only helps me get healthier but impacts my daughter health and eating habits as well.
7) Being financially disorganized – what does this mean? It means that I need to get my estate in order. I know it sounds like I am billionaire but regardless of how much money you make or have and you have children, you need to plan for the “what if” situation. It is my goal in the first few months of the year to get all my financial papers together so that if something happens to me, it’s all there for my daughter’s guardian to find.
8) Being disorganized in general – this ties back to #1 less clutter. I spend so much time looking for stuff, paperwork, receipts that I get stressed. I can not tell you what a mess my food cupboards. Do you know how many bottles of ketchup and pasta I have? A lot!! This again is waste of my money.
9) My gut – In an earlier post, I talked about using SMART Goals to lose weight. I hate my pregnant gut. It must go in 2017.
What are things your life doesn’t need in 2017? How will you go about eliminating them?
Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was not compensated for this post.
Good for you with setting these 2017 “dont needs”. Wishing you success. Also I so agree with #7. I need to also organize and collect everything into one area (safe box?) in case someone needs to find it without me.
I have a small (probably too small) fireproof box that I keep all my documents in. As heavy as it is, if I had to evacuate, its what I would grab and go.
Those sound like good things to eliminate. I need to have less stress too!
Eliminating stress is a tough one right! I dont think we realize how much we take on that impacts our stress level.
Number 3 made me laugh as I too can relate to that obsession! It is hard not to when you enter the world of blogging. Hopefully I can eliminate some clutter as well!
Oh yes! I need to de-clutter my house, too! I always say to my hubby how much it bothers me, so it’s time to do something about it.
Well you must have peeked at my list because everything you talk about is something I want to get rid of or change. May we both have great success.
Yep, here’s to a successful 2017 of change
You covered a lot of my own goals for 2017. I’m decluttering my life, beginning with my house. It’s not really clutter, it’s just stuff I don’t use or need. I’m going room by room and taking my time.
I am like you are I am trying to take my time going through every nook and cranny of my apartment. If I had a house, I think I would be having a breakdown about now!
This is a great list and I definitely need to get rid of many of these myself this year! I think the biggest for me are self-doubt and anxiety/stress. My 2017 definitely does not need either if I’m going to reach my goals!
Anxiety and stress are difficult given the pace of our lives, the responsibilities. I dont know how successful I will be but I am going to try.
I guess you are looking to be more organized in 2017. It’s also good to reduce stress and the negative attitude.
I love this list!!! I have been on a purge everything and get organized kick the past week to start the new year off right.
This list sounds like it came right out of my head! I need to seriously declutter my life and my house!
I’m with you on the social media. As bloggers, it is hard for us to get out of that habit, but we definitely need to find a better balance.
This is a great post. In my new year, I also don’t need any more self-criticism. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. That needs to change!
2016 was a stressful year for me. 2017 definitely needs to be calmer and less stressful! Great post.
I would say to you that just because you blog and are on social media does not mean that you cannot pick up a book and put your face on its pages. You can schedule in an hour of reading. You can also decide to listen to books while blogging. I agree with the clutter thing too. I think I did more cleaning and getting rid of things in the past few days than I did for the entirety of 2016.
Yes to all of these! I was going to pick a favorite out of these but each one has such great points! Although always getting rid of stress is a great thing to do. I plan to enjoy life this year, laugh more and just live. Take the time to have fun and enjoy what I have with the people I love.
Yes, yes and yes! I love this post so much! I’m definitely leaving procrastination and stress in 2016. Here’s to an awesome 2017.
Yes, yes, YES 100%. I feel you on all of these things. You literally took the words straight out of my mouth. Here’s to a new year, best of luck to you!
Best of luck to you!
I am so with you on getting rid of clutter and stress in 2017! I need to work on that myself!
my biggest issue is procrastination. I have many ideas and things to but seem to push them further.
Procrastination is my friend. I could stop and binge watch forever and then guilt sets in from not accomplishing my weekend goal.