The Bronx Zoo is the largest urban zoo in the country that offers visitors not only wildlife in a natural settings but exotic and endangered animals from all over the world. The Bronx Zoo offers crowd pleasing exhibits such as Wild Asia Monorail, Congo Gorilla Forest, Jungle World, Madagascar, Tiger Mountain, Dora, Bug Carousel and Diego’s 4-D Adventure and so much more. Of course it’s all about the animals like elephants, crocodiles, tigers, snow leopards, gorillas to name a few.
The Bronx Zoo also offers a multitude of programs and tours, depending on your interests from youth programs, family programs and guided tours. And who wouldn’t want to have their birthday party at the Bronx Zoo.
For our family, The Bronx Zoo is one of the most enjoyable days of the year and always works as the perfect playdate option.
Location: Fordham Road at Bronx River Parkway
Hours: Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm, Saturday-Sunday, 10am – 5:30pm
Information and Tickets: and check for special offers that happen throughout the year.
Phone: 718-367-1010
Stay in touch on and
Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was not compensated for this post. says
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