One of my fitness goals was to incorporate classes into my fitness routine. Like any new habit, there is always the first step to recovery. Well it’s only taken me 6 weeks in the new year to finally get my ass to the Lucille Roberts to take a class. I like to make lots of excuses but first and foremost, if the music is not there, I just get bored which is why Zumba doesn’t appeal to me. Yes, it looks like fun and a great aerobic workout yet the music does not move me and I like a big crowd to motivate me, okay I like to hide in the back so no one sees me flailing away.
That means the day classes are not for me. Then I am left with the night classes. As I have written before, I like working out in the morning. By the time, 5 or 6 o’clock rolls around well, I am happy to stay home and keep working.
But not this week, I got my butt up and went to a Step Class. Ah the fear. Back in the day, I lived for step class, taking it 3-4 times a week. Now, I wondered if I could actually make it through an entire class or remember how to actually be in step with the instructor.
Well, I am happy to report, I made it through. One of the things I have always liked about step is that moves can be modified. I can’t really do jumping jacks anymore (bad knees) but I can still do modified jacks to keep my heart pumping.
Best of all, I like the instructor who really worked us hard and was quite motivational.
I think I will return. Now let’s see if I can make it twice a week to a class.