Spence- Chapin is a well-know adoption agency in New York City and throughout the country. While I worked with Adoption Arc in Philadelphia, Spence-Chapin is also known for offering parents post -adoption workshops. As any adoptive parent knows, adopting is an on-going developmental and learning process that doesn’t stop once you bring your child home. It’s something we all know and go in with our eyes open when adopting domestically or internationally.
Spence- Chapin offers a range of post -adoption workshops geared to assist parents and their children kids. Workshops range from Making an Adoption Lifebook to Does Adoption Change the Way we Discipline? to I Love Me, I love My Hair (for parents adopting transracially) and making more. In addition, Spence-Chapin offers counseling support, teen programming and a resource library.
Visit Spence-Chapin to view their full calendar of classes and post-adoption programs. Post-Adoption services are open to every adoptive parent whether you used Spence=Chapin or not.
Spence – Chapin
410 E. 92nd Street
New York, NY
(212) 369-0300
It was so incredible meeting Monica – and yes, she was SO nice and super pretty in person! Most of all though, I loved spending the evening with you and Alex. That was such a treat!!! I cant wait to see you again soon (TTP?) xoxo
For now the college is using an empirical approach to the i – Pad which has generated mixed results.
Consider using your refund towards the cause of adoption, and get a tax deduction when you file
next year. Closely linked to this strategy is the technology strategy.