It goes without saying that there are bad teachers, in fact really bad teachers but when a good teacher comes along, you have to commend them for their ideas and the enthusiasm they bring to the classroom especially when they are faced with so many obstacles. Admittedly, my daughter’s teacher is new to the school and I really don’t know her. Seriously, how would it be possible to get to know her if you only see someone 30 minutes in the entire school year.
Ms. R. implemented “Rock Star of the Week” at the beginning of the year. When my daughter had told me about The Rock Star of the Week, my reaction was pretty ho-hum, and I just said “u-huh, that’s nice.” I am pretty much old school when it comes to her education; I am all about the academics, homework and ensuring my daughter can compete in what is only going be a more competitive world when she gets older. So when she told me that The Rock Star of the Week is chosen at random, my thought was if you aren’t being chosen Rock Star of the Week for your academic performance, what’s the point, right?
Wrong! Here we are more than half way through the year and my daughter announces to me as though she has won the lottery, “I am going to be The Rock Star of the Week.”
Her excitement was just infectious, I really could not believe how excited she was to have been chosen (at random no less.) So here is the Rock Star Schedule:
- Monday- Sharing Sack – Students bring in 3 special items to share and include 12 photos to display Rock Star of the Week bulletin board. OMG! my daughter literally spent a couple of hours poring through photo albums pulling out photos for the board plus the rest of the weekend debating her 3 special items.
- Tuesday – Favorite Book – Bring in your favorite book to read to the class.
- Wednesday – Parent Letter – Parents will write a letter to the class telling them how special your child is. The content can be a letter, a poem (yeah, right); a funny story, send silly photos or write a short story with your child as a main character (I want to know which parent did this one.)
My daughter is one of a kind.
My daughter is funny, and cute and goofy all wrapped up into one character of a 3rd grader.
I think my daughter is awesome because she wants to be the next Mark Zuckerberg.
OK , she may not know who Mark Zuckerberg is but she knows she wants create the next Facebook when she gets older.
She loves Star Wars, knows that Manchester United is an English Football Team (that’s soccer for the rest of you.)
She loves Miranda Cosgrove, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber and was the coolest interviewer when she asked the Bieb’s girlfriend Selena Gomez, a question when we went to interview her.
I love that my daughter is going to have a blog like her mommy.
Best of all, I love that my daughter has no fear, she is great at riding a scooter, a skateboard and knows how to ice skate, all things her mommy is afraid to do.
- Thursday – Lunch Buddy – The Rock Star of the week picks one friend and has lunch with the teacher in the classroom. I can not tell you how excited my daughter was to have lunch with the teacher. I can not tell how much people have complained about her since the beginning of the year but frankly, if my daughter can get this excited about lunch with a teacher she must be doing something right.
- Friday – Rock Star Recognition – The student will be recognized by his/her classmates and presented with a certificate. Who knew that certificate would be valuable.
Jennifer Marie says
It really does matter what teachers are like-my son will be starting kindergarten in the fall and I am hoping for a really good one 🙂
Melanie says
This sounds like a great classroom activity! As a former teacher, it’s really difficult to keep things fresh, and that sounds like a wonderful way to build excitement and confidence for all those students. As a mom, though, I know that teachers need a lot of support from home. I help with homework and answer all the questions that they throw at me. But it’s been tough for me to balance work and their schoolwork, and sometimes I can’t push them as much as I should. To challenge them and support them, I got a tutor from Private School Edge to support what they’re doing in the classroom, and the work that I do with them. I’ve had a truly wonderful experience, and I recommend their services all the time. Rock star of the Week is great, but I think I prefer academic rock stars!