Every year, regardless of where I work or what I am doing, I always go to church on September 11 as that is where I ended up after watching the Twin Towers fall. As it often quoted, “Never Forget.”
Recently, I visited the 9/11 Memorial website and came across the 9/11 Timeline and while it may not be heartwarming to view the timeline, it serves a reminder to ignore all the political rhetoric surrounding the day and just remember the people who died, the heartbreak of their families and others like me who watched people jump to their death to escape being burned alive and wonder for hours where her friends and colleagues were who worked in the surrounding buildings that were impacted by the plane crashes.
Last year, I wrote of my September 11 experience for my daughter as she was old enough to hear the impact to me and family friend.
I hope you take a moment out of your day and say a prayer for the families who lost a loved one during September 11.