I have no idea how I happened upon Jill Smokler of ScaryMommy.com but so happy that I did. She has one of the most insightful, honest and funny blogs out there and if you follow her you already know this.
So when I was invited to her book signing at Ouidad Salon on 57th Street, I jumped at the chance just to meet her and get her to sign my book (which is too funny and hits so so close to home). If you can believe it, I read her book over the Steve Jobs Biography as I was sure I had a better shot at finishing her book first. Now it’s back to Steve.
I was so happy Ellen Seidman from Love that Max came along to introduce me to Jill, otherwise, I would have just stood there like the goofball I can be in social situations where I don’t know anyone. And is Jill nice? Of course, she is just as funny, self-deprecating and honest as her blog and her book. And her hair is a curly as her photos.
I wish her all the best on her book tour and morning show appearances.
And for all you curly haired ladies, Ouidad invites you to answer the question “What Would you Do with 10 Extra Minutes?” for the chance to win the Ouidad Ultimate Gift Set valued at $135. Facebook.com/ouidad
For me ,I would actually sit in a cafe, enjoy a caffe latte and read the paper.
Michelle says
I loved her book! Had to put my head at parts bc it was SO honest!!
Ps love your orange scarf!
NYCSingleMom says
Thanks for the compliment. She is so honest which is why she resonates so much and just the nicest person. just so happy for her.
Adhriene says
Well me, I will lay in bed and rest for 10 minutes and think of the things that make me happy always…
NYCSingleMom says
I love that idea, sometimes you need to just take time off.
Natalia says
Read some nice magazine and drink a cup of coffee.
NYCSingleMom says
I do that too, 2 things I love magazines and coffee