Everyone comes to New York City based on what they have seen on Friends or Sex in the City or Will and Grace or some other New York City based show. People come here expecting to live in some glamorous apartment like in Friends which I will never get over. All of their apartments at the current market rates cost over $2500 on a good day. The closest apartment to reality was actually Jerry’s apartment on Seinfeld.
I always tell people who move here that it’s easier finding a job than it is an apartment. I look back on my previous apartment and I laugh because I remember when I found it I was so happy to have found an apartment under $1000. That apartment was t third floor walk up on the busiest, noisiest street in the Village with no closets (yes no closets) and a bed that barely fit in the bedroom.
And my social life – this is before my daughter was so -so and again nothing like a Page 6 because most people in New York work and they work a lot. Yes, there were weekly meet ups at 5757 at the Four Seasons for our $15 martinis (which now are closer to $20) but hey you can’t do that every night of the week.
So I thought I would pass on this article I found on “Moving to NYC – Expectations vs Reality” from buzz feed which is SOOOO True. Enjoy!
I can so relate. I spent so much $ on rent for a dumpy place just to live in the city. I loved my time living there and wouldn’t have traded the experience, but thank goodness I now have a slightly higher standard of living (because I moved to the suburbs). I don’t get the benefits of big city life, but hey, I have dishwasher (a luxury in NYC)!
Sad isn’t it, a dishwasher is a luxury in NYC.
Every time we move I SWEAR our next apartment will have a dishwasher. Alas, I will continue to throw away funky sippy cups I can’t clean and use plastic forks forEVER.
New York City is one greatest dream to visit. Thanks for sharing those simple tips about NYC.