One of those wacky philosophical questions you hear growing up is “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I had one of those “if a tree falls in the forest” real life moments.
Last month, I received an email from Ju Ju Chang’s producer, the Good Morning America correspondent to be on panel for her Moms Get Real web series. The topic was “Back To School Jitters.” Of course, I jumped at the chance, who wouldn’t. Since my daughter was out of camp, I had to bring her along to the GMA studio at Times Square.
The segment went up right before we went to Florida so I did actually see it. I had high hopes to write a post with the link when I got back. Wrong – the segment is no longer on the site and after repeated attempts asking the segment producer, I gave up.
Maybe I imagined the whole thing but no, mitch at said he saw it.
So I all I have as proof from the event was my daughter’s photo in the green room
Live and Learn, – get photos next time!!!