John Hughes ode to teen angst, Pretty in Pink is officially thirty years old this year. Yikes! I have nothing but fond memories of this movie. It’s hard to say how many times I have seen this movie on television over years. If it’s been around thirty years then I would say probably thirty times.
So when I heard that it was going be screened in theatres throughout the country to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of the movie, I couldn’t resist seeing it on the big screen again and introducing my daughter to this iconic 80’s cult teen romantic comedy from my youth.
For those who may have never seen or heard of the movie, it tells the tale of of Andie (Molly Ringwald who starred in two other John Hughes’ teen classics, “Sixteen Candles,” and “The Breakfast Club”); a cooler than cool girl from the wrong side of the tracks who makes her own clothes, and buys her clothes at thrift stores before it was cool to admit, who falls for a “richie” Blane (perfectly cast Andrew McCarthy) and her best friend Duckie (the hilarious and lovable Jon Cryer long before Two and Half Men made him rich and famous) who openly adores her.
Why I love Pretty in Pink and Why It Still Resonates With My Daughter’s Generation
You may wonder why a black girl like me loves this movie so much since it takes place in the very white and very rich suburb of Winnetka Illinois where the director John Hughes grew up and ironically where my college roommate was from.
What distinguishes this movie from other teen movies of that era or since are the subtlety blatant story lines that play out through the movie that kids then and today can relate to: the popular rich kids versus the middle class/poor kids, kids raising themselves, kids who have to work for spending money versus kids having their American Platinum cards and so on.
As someone who went to a predominantly white school in the burbs, trust me I can relate being the kid with the used car driving to school with kids who were given brand new Mercedes on their 16th birthday and whose homes could swallow mine up.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Pretty in Pink soundtrack that introduced classics like the “If You Leave” by OMD and the Psychedelic Furs title track “Pretty in Pink”.
What was my daughter’s reaction to the movie? She loved it. She thought it was funny especially Duckie, loved the 80s’ clothes and music. The ultimate compliment is that the can’t wait to watch it again.
There is one more showing on February 17 if you want to celebrate Pretty in Pink 30th Anniversary on the big screen. And of course, you can buy Pretty in Pink on Amazon or wait for it to play on television.
Are you a John Hughes” Pretty in Pink” fan? And are you Team Duckie or Team Blane?
Disclosure: Thanks to Fathom Events for movie passes to introduce my daughter to this movie classic?
Ahh, this is my favorite movie! I love it!