Did you know that Guardians of the Galaxy is James Gunn‘s first big movie? His screen credits are filled with fan favorites “Slither” and “Super” but are definitely smaller movies that a Marvel movie but it was the wit, humor and charm of those earlier movies that the producers were looking for in choosing the director for this summer’s mega hit Galaxy of the Guardians.
Like the previous Marvel movies, Guardians of the Galaxy has lots of action but also brings a sense of humor and emotion that sets it apart from other action movies. According to Producer Kevin Feige, it was important that a filmmaker bring a vision and have a handle on the characters in the movie as well as be able to bring them to life in an unexpected and unique, three -dimensional way.
Interviewing James Gunn, you can see why he was chosen. His enthusiasm and excitement in talking about the movie definitely came through in our meeting. Who can’t like a guy who is a lifelong lover of Marvel comics, space epics AND raccoons (yep, he loves raccoons)?
So along comes a story with all three, who wouldn’t be excited? But Gunn also was charged up that he had “the freedom to introduce the Guardians character and create a whole new world because Guardians is not as well known as other Marvel characters.”
Until this movie was announced, I had never heard of the Guardians comic book series, let alone the characters and I am pretty sure unless you are a super, super Marvel fan, you were in the dark as well.
This movie was certainly a risk for the studio, and lot edgier than the earlier Marvel films which is why Gunn now seems like the perfect choice. He brings his wit, humor and charm that imbued his earlier films but without the R-rating.
Because Guardians was not a well known as other Marvel series and characters, Gunn had the freedom to create the characters and world for the screen without having to worry about fan’s expectations. Gunn spoke about what drew him to the Guardians franchise, “the ability to create a whole new wing of the Marvel universe” and not just one world but “new worlds.”
Gunn is pretty used to making R rated movies but he did not see any issues with making a PG-13 film. He was adamant that he did not set out to make movies that he liked as a kid like”Raiders of the Lost Ark” but a movie that “would actively inspire imagination,” a movie that was about family and friendship. “It’s a movie that allows emotions into a spectacle film, which is extremely rare.”
If you have seen the movie, you can’t see anyone else in the role of Star Lord aka Peter Quill, played by the perfectly cast Chris Pratt. Well, Gunn refused to even have Pratt audition for the role, referring to him as the “fat guy” from Parks and Recreation. Gunn admitted that as soon as Pratt walked into the audition, all lean and svelte, he knew instantly that he had has his Star Lord and the rest as they say is a $94 million dollar opening weekend history. And I say give the casting director a bonus for tricking Gunn into seeing Pratt.
My favorite behind the scenes fun fact is that Gunn finished the 3D version of the movie, just a few days before our interview which means he was still working on the final cut two weeks before the August 1 opening. Yikes!! How does that work anyway??
Now that Guardians of the Galaxy is a mega hit and is slated for a sequel, I look forward to seeing how Mr. Gunn puts his spin on the next installment of the series.
See GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY in a theater near you!!! Read my Guardians of Galaxy Review on why you must see the movie.
Guardians of the Galaxy Fun Facts.
Website and Mobile site: marvel.com/guardians
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Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was provided with a trip to the Los Angeles for a Disney, Marvel, DreamWorks ABC Family hosted press event. Opinions are 100% my own.#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent, #100FootJourneyEvent, #ABCFamilyEvent