I had the privilege to attend the premiere of Fancy Nancy The Musical with my three-year old. As anyone who has attended a movie adaptation of a book knows, it is very difficult to take a much beloved character from a book and make them come alive for an audience. Well, the writers of Fancy Nancy the Musical managed to do just that.
The musical is based on the book Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet, where Fancy Nancy is certain she is going to get the part of a mermaid in the ballet but instead ends up playing a tree. With words of wisdom and encouragement from her mother, Fancy Nancy, played excellently with the right bit of melodrama and flair by Aly Bloom, ends up being the best tree that she can be.
But now to the answer the most important question that everyone probably has, did my daughter like the show. Well, she didn’t come right out and say it, but judging from the fact that she didn’t ask if we could leave, which she has done at other shows, and the fact that she had a slightly glazed over look on her face from beginning to end, I believe that she absolutely loved the show. I also was tapping my feet along to the music and am still singing the song Anyone can be Fancy two days later. The production company doesn’t know if they are going to produce an album yet, but I would definitely be one of the first in line to purchase it.
Location: Culture Project is located downtown at 45 Bleecker St.
Dates: Beginning November 24th, performances will run every Saturday at 1:30 pm and every Sunday at 12 noon.
Tickets: Start at $29.50. Premium seats are available for $49.50
Information: For reservations, visit www.vitaltheatre.org, call us at (212) 579-0528, or visit McGinn/Cazale box office Mondays-Fridays from 9-5, or visit the Culture Project box office one hour before the show.
Contributor Mikaela W. is a mom to an inquisitive 3 year old. When not squiring her daughter around or reviewing events for Nycsinglemom, she spends her time traveling and writing for her blog www.ivyleaguetraveler.com.
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