I am sure I am no different than most moms. It’s a constant barrage of this that and the other but lately I have felt for a lack of a better work, disorganized.
Yes, I have felt disorganized in the past but this is different. I literally at the end of the week, look back and wonder what the hell happened to the week. I just feel no sense of accomplishment at all towards anything.
Yes, things are getting done but not what I want to move forward on. I just feel like my check list grows larger every day till one day, the check list will fall on top of me. Game over!!
Sounds dramatic, I know but I can’t even find time to make the list because it’s all in my head filling up space so much so I can’t add any more.
I keep saying I will just sit relax, have some coffee and make the list but alas I can’t find the time.
So after seeing my therapist after a three month break. Just imagine, I go to see her to work out strategies to be a better parent and all I talk about is how disorganized I am which she reminded me leads to stress which is not good for parenting. Duh!.
So she gave me three (only three) assignments before next week which have been weighing on my mind.
1. Make an appointment with a nutrionist – Done
2. Begin preliminary discussion about the birds and bees with my daughter by just asking her a simple, “What do you know” questions. NOT DONE – which is a post all on its own.
3. Work out space to work – not a home office.
We shall see.
Do you have any organizing tips? I could sure use one to add to my cluttered head.
And yes, I know it’s Friday, I forgot to post this on Thursday.
De-cluttering is wonderful, isn’t it? You get rid of the things- both physical and emotional- which you no longer have any use for. It just helps give you a clearer outlook, and puts things in perspective.
Ah ha! I see we are at the end of March and have not seen another Therapy Thursday post. Hope you were able to accomplish her recommendations. I’m not one to talk though. I’m kind of in the same boat as you (were?) only mine has not been resolved for a long time. I’m trying to work out with my therapist too. Good luck on yours.
Decluttering feels so impossible for me with six kids 🙂