HOW DO YOU DO IT? That is the question I always get from other moms who are not single moms or single people Who the hell knows? I just do it. I would be lying if I did not admit that some days are better than others. My life for the last 11 years […]
No More Manic Mondays – 6 Tips to Make the Morning Routine Run Smoother
The morning routine is a pain point for many moms. You would think that after a few years of this mom thing, I would have mastered the morning routine. Ha! I am still perfecting the process. Six Tips To Improve the Morning Routine and decrease morning chaos 1. Create a Routine Raising kids is […]
Hearts Galore in New Paltz #MommyandMeMonday
This past weekend, my daughter and I headed up to New Paltz for some apple picking and check out the Fall Foliage. It was a beautiful Saturday to do both but sadly both were long over. Apple picking consisted of buying pre-picked apples but it doesn’t matter we enjoyed the lovely town of New Paltz […]
@Universal Character Meet and Greet – Mommy and Me Monday @UniversalOrl #familyforward #MommyandMePhotos
Like so many mothers, I have this tendency to be the picture taker or just avoid having my picture taken. Yes, avoiding having my picture taken sounds counter intuitive to being a blogger but I do avoid it unless it’s a must. But when we were at Universal Orlando during the Family Forward retreat, I […]
I am the Mother of Middle Schooler (YIKES!) #parenting
It’s been a few days but I still can not believe that I am the mother of a Middle Schooler. It seems like yesterday, I received “the call from the adoption agency with the amazing news I was going to be a mother” I can not believe I went from getting no sleep in those […]
Wake Up Call from Rocket Racoon
I get up pretty early to blog because it’s the perfect time to gather my thoughts, enjoy coffee and write. Because it is so quiet, I have tendency to put on headphones so I can mindlessly catch up on recorded television or the news. So imagine, being in this cone of silence cranking away writing […]
@RuralMoms @GayNYCDad @NYCSingleMom – The New Mystery Girls? #MysteryGirls Season Finale Tonight @JennieGarth @Tori_Spelling @ABCFamily
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to tour the set of Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling’s ABC Family show Mystery Girls. I could not resist imitating the signature phrase of the show “Mystery Solved” high five with my fellow bloggers Mitch Chaitin of and Barb Webb of The Real MYSTERY […]
@FreshDirect Lobster Party #FDLobsterParty
My daughter and I love lobster. That said, I haven’t the first clue about how to prepare it. Well, my dilemma is solved and Fresh Direct is here to save the day. Chef Anne Burrell has teamed up with Fresh Direct with her how to videos on cooking lobsters for first timers like me or […]
7 Tips to Avoid Kindergarten Separation Anxiety
Back to school is just around the corner. For many, it will be the first day of Kindergarten and will be somewhat of a change from pre-school or day care. Of course, my daughter will be starting middle school this Fall which has it’s own set of issues, I remember vividly the first day of […]
Where is Everybody? Summertime in New York
It’s summer in New York City. But New York City is unlike other cities. Everybody’s gone for most of the summer. Between having vacations, Hampton houses, country houses and now sleepaway camps, it’s just my daughter and me. Yes, it’s great we get to spend more time with each other but let’s face it, I […]