After 14 years, the long-awaited sequel to the popular Incredibles, INCREDIBLES 2 has hit the theaters along with a new short called “Bao.” In Incredibles 2, Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is called on to lead a campaign to bring Supers back, while Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) navigates the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life at […]
Magic Fans Don’t Miss Treasures from the David Copperfield Collection at the New York Historical Society
Are you a magic fan or a David Copperfield fan? Then don’t miss the Summer of Magic: Treasures from the David Copperfield Collection at the New-York Historical Society. The exhibit includes displays and programs that offer a historical perspective on the spectacle of magic and the magicians who became famous for performing death-defying feats. It also features […]
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Movie Big with Zinus #ZinusLivesBIG @ZinusUSA
Recently, I attended a Pop-Up event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the movie BIG. Attendees experienced all the memorable moments in a recreation of the iconic New York loft apartment from the movie. The event was hosted by Zinus, an e-commerce mattress, and furniture company. I had a blast enjoying all the “Big” moments from playing the famed […]
Ever wonder how Ralph and Vanellope actually get to the internet? And who do they meet once they’re there? In the highly anticipated sequel, “Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2” leaves Litwak’s video arcade behind, venturing into the uncharted, expansive and thrilling world of the internet—which may or may not survive Ralph’s wrecking. […]
Life is Short – You Got Have Fun
Life is short as they say. Not that I haven’t tried to live every day with gusto but there are days sometimes weeks where my life very much a routine, go to work, come home, watch television, repeat. Boring is the only word that describes that routine. Lately, I have been trying to be more Shonda […]
A WRINKLE IN TIME will be available on Blu-ray/DVD June 5th #WrinkleInTime
A WRINKLE IN TIME will be available on Blu-ray/DVD June 5th About Wrinkle in Time: The stunning story of an ordinary girl’s extraordinary adventure through time and space offers exhilarating entertainment and positive messages for the whole family—encouraging self-confidence, inclusion and pushing imagination to the next level. Three celestial guides, Mrs. Which (two-time Academy Award® nominee […]
REVIEW: Solo: A Star Wars Story #HanSolo
Solo: A Star Wars Story Why release Solo: A Star Wars Story now or as naysayers comment why mess with a good thing? Han Solo of Star Wars fame is one of the most iconic and beloved characters. His character was loved by both men and women fans. As the saying goes, men want to be […]
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle Is Now on Amazon Prime
DreamWorks The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle Everybody’s favorite squirrel and moose are back! Yes, that’s right Rocky and Bullwinkle. A hilarious and nostalgic journey awaits as DreamWorks The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle is now available on Amazon Prime Video. From executive producer, Scott Fellows, the world-famous talking moose, and flying squirrel are back in The Adventures […]
Show Dogs Starring Will Arnett is Heartwarming and Cute Family Movie #ShowDogsMovie
SHOW DOGS is a family comedy about the unlikely pairing of a human detective (Arnett) and his canine partner (voice of Chris “Ludacris” Bridges), who has to go undercover at the world’s most exclusive dog show to solve his biggest case yet. Show Dogs turned out to be a funny and heartwarming movie. The movie […]
Whitney Museum Featuring Grant Wood American Gothic @whitneymuseum
Whitney Museum Featuring Grant Wood American Gothic Headed to Chelsea, then don’t miss visiting The Whitney Museum of American Art. It goes without saying that the Whitney collection offers visitors the preeminent American artists across a range of genres. That said go with an open mind. I always walk out from a few exhibitions […]