After 14 years, the long-awaited sequel to the popular Incredibles, INCREDIBLES 2 has hit the theaters along with a new short called “Bao.” In Incredibles 2, Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is called on to lead a campaign to bring Supers back, while Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) navigates the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life at […]
Magic Fans Don’t Miss Treasures from the David Copperfield Collection at the New York Historical Society
Are you a magic fan or a David Copperfield fan? Then don’t miss the Summer of Magic: Treasures from the David Copperfield Collection at the New-York Historical Society. The exhibit includes displays and programs that offer a historical perspective on the spectacle of magic and the magicians who became famous for performing death-defying feats. It also features […]
Tips to Keep Healthy On Your Vacation
Tips to Keep Healthy On Your Vacation Like me, I am sure you want to have a great vacation and not worry about what you eat. Well, if you are like me you do worry that you don’t overindulge. The key is not to lose weight obviously but to stay fit and healthy […]
Sony True Wireless Headphones
Sony True Wireless Headphones Looking for wireless earbuds then check out Sony’s True Wireless Headphones which offer hands-free calling with noise canceling and ambient sound mode. These headphones are comfortable, secure and sweat resistant. Sony’s True Wireless Sports Earbuds features: Bluetooth technology and NFC Digital noise canceling which lets you listen without distractions Ambient […]
Free Book Download – Tips to Stay Productive and Motivated This Summer
Whether you work from home, own your own business, have a side hustle/business, work in a corporate office or are a work at home parent, once the weather starts to change and the temperatures start to heat up, no matter what you do or where you live, everyone starts to lose the motivation to work! […]
Thoughts About Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s Suicides and Thanking My Lucky Stars for Family and Friends
Like many women living in New York City in the 90’s, owning a Kate Spade bag was a staple. You remember it, the rectangle nylon bag. I owned it black and brown. It probably started my love of expensive labeled bags. Unless you live under a rock, you are well aware of Ms. Spade’s […]
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Movie Big with Zinus #ZinusLivesBIG @ZinusUSA
Recently, I attended a Pop-Up event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the movie BIG. Attendees experienced all the memorable moments in a recreation of the iconic New York loft apartment from the movie. The event was hosted by Zinus, an e-commerce mattress, and furniture company. I had a blast enjoying all the “Big” moments from playing the famed […]
Ever wonder how Ralph and Vanellope actually get to the internet? And who do they meet once they’re there? In the highly anticipated sequel, “Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2” leaves Litwak’s video arcade behind, venturing into the uncharted, expansive and thrilling world of the internet—which may or may not survive Ralph’s wrecking. […]
Bring Indoor Television Viewing Outside with SunBriteTVs @SunBriteTV #ad @BestBuy
Disclosure. The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. With the warm weather, you may be thinking wouldn’t it be cool to watch television on your deck. Well, wait no more! Creating an outdoor home theater is the most […]
Life is Short – You Got Have Fun
Life is short as they say. Not that I haven’t tried to live every day with gusto but there are days sometimes weeks where my life very much a routine, go to work, come home, watch television, repeat. Boring is the only word that describes that routine. Lately, I have been trying to be more Shonda […]