Summer is upon us and for my daughter and me, it means mostly a break from the daily routine. As a child, my parents blended fun, family and new experiences into our summer and I like doing the same for my daughter. I will always remember spending time with cousins at my grandparent’s home, driving cross country, hanging at the beach with my Japanese grandmother and trips to Disneyland (yes, Disneyland not Disney World.)
I think every child should look back on their summers with joy and happiness and of course, memories to fill a book and regale their friends with when they are older.
Here are 5 Summer Getaways Every Child Should Experience:
- Weekend Trip to Another City – Last year, we went to Philadelphia for a weekend and had a fantastic time learning about the Liberty Bell, Benjamin Franklin, cobble stones, the Declaration of Independence and so much more. Visiting another city offers your child the chance to learn about this great country of ours.
- Visiting a New Playground – New York City is filled with playgrounds, but we have a tendency to visit the same ones every year. Why not plan a day trip to another part of the city or even aghast another borough, pick a fan favorite diner and explore a different part of the city. Make it even more fun, invite friends and make it a big playdate. It’s like a day trip in your home town.
- Explore a New Museum – New York City is filled with museums but we have a tendency to visit The Museum of Natural History (current exhibit – The World’s Largest Dinosaur,) the Metropolitan Museum (Rooftop Garden is now open) and Children’s Museum which are all popular amongst both kids and adults. Why not find a museum that fits your child’s interest like a science museum or an aquarium.
- Visiting Disney World – Disney World is one of those iconic summer experiences every child and/or adult should experience. There is so much to do and see that there is no way, your child will not have the best summer of their life. Last year, we went to Disney World and I think my daughter will forever remember her first Disney World trip, especially her Cinderella breakfast at the Magic Kingdom and so will I.
- Spend a Week with the Family – I have fond memories spending the summer with my grandparents. My daughter is a tad too young but I think that every child should spend a week with grandparents or an aunt/uncles. Spending quality time with family is important for children so they can really to get to know their cousins and/or grandparents.
As we head into the last weeks of school, the summer is already half planned and I can’t wait for the fun to begin and we can make another summer of memories.
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Alamo blogging program, for a gift card worth $25.
I love these ideas – especially doing a weekend trip to another city. Being within reach of great cities like Philadelphia, Washington DC and Boston – a weekend trip is always nearby (and not too expensive). Do you have any good family friendly hotel recos for Philly?
Disney is a must at least one time for young kids.