Cheerios, heart, healthy Cheerios has for years produced the most heartwarming and family- friendly ads to promote their cereal but with their recent ad featuring an interracial family, they have created a firestorm. Not intentionally, of course.
Am I stunned no, but I am shocked at the vitriol in the comments. This is not the 50’s people. I saw the commercial and it brought a tear to my eye because as a bi-racial child who grew up in the 80’s, I would have loved to have seen this type ad as a child.
There is just nothing controversial about this ad and plays into the Cheerios brand about family, PERIOD. This is United States of America and if people haven’t figured it out by now, it is a country that is comprised of every mixture of family. I just came back from Disney World, which to me is such a view on how this country is at this time, there was every imaginable type of family represented so the Cheerios ad represents who we as a country, a true melting pot.
What really angered me about this controversy is because of the number of racist comments on the Cheerios You Tube channel, the company had to shut down the comments because the comments were so bad. It really saddens me but this is the downside to the internet that people’s true feeling are allowed to be expressed.
Here is the Cheerios Ad and feel free to head to Cheerios Facebook page to provide your support. And if it doesn’t bring a smile to your face,…
Would love to hear what you think?
Disclosure: Obviously, I was not compensated for this post but for the record, Cheerios is a brand that I ate as a child and so did my daughter.
Becca says
Personally I love the commercial. And the fact that the whole thing has become controversial just makes me sad.
NYCSingleMom says
Thanks for commenting, it does make me sad
Homemaker Mom says
I think this vid is great!
NYCSingleMom says
Isnt it!
Randa says
I don’t understand what the big deal is. My goodness people it’s 2013!
J-Man and MillerBug says
I love that ad and find it so sad that people are so close minded!
NYCSingleMom says
me too!
Jennifer Soltys says
Come on? Really? It’s 2013 people! I love Cheerios and think people are whacked for even questioning that ad!!!
NYCSingleMom says
Yes, I could not agree more.
Jennifer Van Huss says
ITs very sad that America can’t except it yet! Funny thing is I saw that commercial and until you pointed it out, never realized there was anything out of the ordinary! lol!!
NYCSingleMom says
Yes thats the point there is nothing out of the ordinary about the ad
ebmommy says
There will always be that group of people who will find a speck to pick on. Sigh!
NYCSingleMom says
Sigh and sadness!!
Betty Dennis says
Some people post atrocious things and then sit back and laugh at the response they get. Unfortunately there are also people who believe those atrocious things and it’s hard to know who is posting. Not sure responding to either of their posts make any difference to them. Still I appreciate having this post to say I love the commercial – it was real and was nicely done.
NYCSingleMom says
Its hard not to love the commercial, right, its just so cute and just another family
Betty Dennis says
Makes you really wonder what’s up with people who can’t be touched by that little girl’s love and concern for her daddy
mell says
It is sad to know that in 2013 there are so many racist, intolerant people. When I first saw this commercial, I thought, “Way to Go, Cheerios” because they are using realism in their advertising, and the commercial was well-written. The number of biracial and multi-racial families is highest than it has ever been. C’mon people, open your minds and get a clue!
NYCSingleMom says
Loved that Cheerios has taken a stand on keeping the ad up. Coming from a marketing background, I just envision the creative types just throwing ideas and rightly so coming up families that reflect our world today and Cheerios saying yes, no social agenda, just a reflection of our world
Texas Type A Mom says
I read your post and then reread it because that I couldn’t have possibly read it right. How are people so intolerant? I just don’t understand why skin color has anything to do with any issue – it’s not relevant.
NYCSingleMom says
It is hard to believe that in 2013, people are so intolerant. I came on the late end of this since I saw the ad but never saw the comments which were apparently quite horrific.
yonawilliams says
I don’t know if it’s because I have an interracial background or what, but when I viewed the commercial…I didn’t even notice the different races of the parents. That’s crazy about the negative responses, and I am glad Cheerios isnt running scared from any negative feedback they have received. If you just take a look around as you shop in at a grocery store or go ANYWHERE…the world is extremely diverse…and TV commercials should reflect that…
NYCSingleMom says
You are so right when you see the ad, the first time you see an interaction between a little girl and her mother. and totally agreed commercials should reflect the world as we see it everyday!
Bob says
I have searched multiple threads on this topic….I am SO disheartened that Cheerios ‘gave in’ to what I call the “Vocal Minority” and pulled the ad. “Hate” is NEVER NEVER EVER a ‘majority’ opinion, and the anonymity of the internet is a cursed thing, it is. Cowards and lowlifes find a cubby hole to hide in and cast aspersions…and most of us give them WAY too much importance. They are nothing more than lowly bullies that deserve NO attention. Lift high your banner for love and tolerance and acceptance and Oneness that we are all related.
NYCSingleMom says
I did not realize they pulled the ad, that really saddens me truly.
Stephanie Begeman says
I do not believe they pulled the ad. They just put a stop to the comments on social media that they could stop.
NYCSingleMom says
Thanks for the update
miracle says
My god, my family is exactly like that.We were adopted and i find it absolutely stupid that there would be fighting and complaints
kudos to cheerio for not backing down and standing up for there advertisement.I found the add adorable, it felt close to home
Can we not get over this or are we still living in the 19th and 20th century
we should have got over this…
I think most of the complaints are complaining about why there is complaints.
miracle says
i think if there has to be controversy it should be why other company DON’T do this, it might get more people to well.. know buy the stuff, cause it feels comforting and nice,Whole point of commercials,
I dont care for commercials, but this one ill stop and listen too for no reason.i admit i noticed the colors because ive never seen a commercial like it. But whats up with the hate
showmetheexit says
“Cheerios” What a cute commerial, I love it!!
kelly thompson says
so funny that people have such a warped view on this matter – it is 2013 and the president is bi- racial himself! Let’s all get a grip!
speedster16 says
This is only a test commercial to rate how many approve of interracial couples,families, and relationships on tv. If I was over the networks ,all of it would be mixed.That would really make folks grow up socially.
Most DID NOT approve – which shows that we ARE NOT living in a post racial era.