New Year’s Resolutions are so passe. Everyone makes them and then everyone breaks them before the month is out. This year, I vowed to NOT make resolutions but to make Goals and not just crazy unattainable goals like lose 50 pounds but truly achievable goals that make me like actually accomplished something.
2013 Achievable Goals:
- Eat Healthier – yes, my goal is to lose weight but to do that I need to seriously eat less sugar and brea and eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
- Get Fit – That means going to the gym more and walk more.
- Get More Organized – This one is tough because I am so disorganized but one of my goals it to try to tame my paper nightmare.
- Read A Book – Seriously, read one book this year.
- Sign up for a dating site – I would say go on a date but you need to find the date first.
- Make a Dent to Get out of Debt – Trust me, this is a big goal in 2013
- Start Writing My Book Again – Last year, I did not even make any inroads to completing my book. My goal is to at least get a couple more chapters completed.
- Cook more and come up with quick and simple meals AND are low fat- I really hate cooking and have gotten lazy since my brother does a lot of the cooking so I need to come up with at least 10-15 go to recipes that can be whipped up quickly.
- Take a Vitamin a Day – I hate vitamins, that’s all I am going to say
- Floss More – I am not even going to say floss every day, not going to happen. I just want to not have to lie to my dentist
- Get More Sleep – This is a tough one but I am going to try to get to bed by 11. Sorry Jon Stewart. I will have to watch you the next day.
- No blogging, No Checking Emails until after my daughter is in bed – I am really setting a bad example for her and I need to stop.
- No More TV during Dinner – This is a bad habit from when I was growing up. My dad always had the news on during dinner.
- Listen to More Music – When I am blogging, I have the TV on for background noise but having music on seems the way to go. At least I will hear new music this way.
I would love to hear what your 2013 Goals or New Year’s Resolutions are. I am sure my list can be expanded. Stay Tuned as part of my attempt to get organized and actually achieve my goals, I am searching for tools to help me keep moving in the right direction.
Pary Moppins says
Good luck on your goals. They look like good’ns. 🙂 Found you through Bloggy Moms.