After having discussed that she may get her period in the next couple of years and providing her with a little kit of must haves to store in her back pack in the event she gets her first period during school, I thought I would discuss what comes with getting your period. I will admit that it’s a tough topic to really discuss because my daughter just has no concept of how she will feel or act and neither will I.
Here were the few topics I covered just so she knows that there is more to her monthly cycle than getting her period.
Importance of hygiene – I showed my daughter the U by Kotex Tween Pads that I had stocked in her kit and reinforced the importance of changing often to maintain cleanliness as well as to avoid accidents.
Discomfort due to cramps – I covered that she most likely will feel some discomfort during her period (I avoided specifics to avoid scaring her plus, every girl/woman is different so I thought telling her that some women experience crippling pain might not be a good plan.)
Tracking her monthly cycle – I reviewed how long her cycle might be and that it is important to keep track so there will be no surprises. Basically, that keeping track is good way to try to plan for when it arrives.
Of course, when she does get her period, I will again review the above topics but certainly cover them more in-depth along with the fact that she may experience moodiness, or feel extra tired.
For more information and tips on having the Talk with your daughter, visit I have used this site before each chat I have with my daughter and has proved so useful in getting me through these uncomfortable moments.
Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. #KotexMom