Last week, it seemed like Justin Bieber was everywhere in New York City making the media rounds to promote his new CD, “Believe” making appearances on The Today Show, The View and an autograph signing at J&R Electronics. And I can only thank the gods, that my daughter had no idea he was in town because I can only imagine the demands to camp out to see him.
Given he was promoting the new CD, I should not have been surprised to see a promotional cover for his Girlfriend Perfume on the outside of one of the weekly free newspapers. As we passed our building’a mail room, my daughter saw the ad and eagerly grabbed it.
I couldn’t resist asking her, “What do you think of the ad and would you buy his perfume?”
“I can’t believe that’s Selena Gomez.” was all she said.
“But it’s not Selena Gomez.”
She gave me one of her skeptical, I don’t believe you looks, “It sure looks like her.”
“So would you buy the perfume?”
“Yes, of course! ” and she said this enthusiastically in a tone that suggested I am an idiot for even suggesting that she wouldn’t buy it.
“Why, you don’t even know what it smells like, it could smell bad.” I countered.
“I don’t care but you know what would be a great perfume, if it smelled like Justin Bieber.”
On that note, I just gave up trying to have a rationale conversation with a child that would be willing to buy a perfume that “smelled like the beebs” without even smelling it first.
That is truly the power of Justin Bieber.
So Justin, I would think about bottling your scent for the tween set, that would really set you apart from the other celebrities selling their specially designed signature perfume.