Real Steel Synopsis: A gritty, white-knuckle, action ride set in the near-future where the sport of boxing has gone high-tech, “Real Steel” stars Hugh Jackman as Charlie Kenton, a washed-up fighter who lost his chance at a title when 2000-pound, 8-foot-tall steel robots took over the ring. Now nothing but a small-time promoter, Charlie earns just enough money piecing together low-end bots from scrap metal to get from one underground boxing venue to the next. When Charlie hits rock bottom, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son Max (Dakota Goyo) to build and train a championship contender. As the stakes in the brutal, no-holds-barred arena are raised, Charlie and Max, against all odds, get one last shot at a comeback.
Real Steel stars Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Anthony Mackie, Kevin Durand and is directed by Shawn Levy (“Night at the Museum” franchise and “Date Night”).
This movie has it all, cool robots that fight, a redemption comeback story, flashes our future, a cute kid, dancing (cuteness alert,) rich Russian villainess, sleek moments alongside grittier, dark scenes and a handsome leading man Hugh Jackman. I liked this movie for all of the above reasons. It will make you laugh, cheer and probably shed a tear. That said, it is slightly reminiscent of The Champ, with the downtrodden boxer with doe-eyed, make you cry son although in this case, the son is a pretty confident, in your face negotiator. I did have two this really annoys me criticisms. The I wish the Evangeline Lily character was better written, it was as though the screenwriter wrote the girl part, “she is cool, tough, knows robots and is pretty.” And the cursing by the Dad and kid, so unnecessary but love the kid who plays the boxer’s son, Dakota Goyo. He is a keeper.
So how did my eight year old daughter like it, in a word “awesome.”
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