In New York City, it’s all about where you live, how much money you make, where you went to school and do you have a weekend home which all still holds true except for us parents, you have to add on where your kids go to school to the mix.
Before I adopted my daughter, I lived in a 250 square foot one bedroom third floor walk-up apartment with no closets and a bed that left just enough room to walk through to the bathroom on one of the noisiest streets in the village. Just imagine dealing with that situation with a baby, strollers, etc.
Now I still live in a one bedroom albeit in a full service doorman building and I have closets; cue George and Weezy Jefferson singing “And were moving on up…”
So as small as my apartment is, I am happy that I live in a good public school district and I am centrally located downtown near everything I need. Of course, I want more square footage, who doesn’t?
But I am thankful for what I have and today’s New York Times story reinforced what I feel every day, happiness in my little apartment.
The Times story focused on the Lam family, a family of five living in a 350 square foot apartment on the lower east side with a bathtub in the kitchen and clothes hanging up everywhere.
What are you thankful for today?
You know, it’s all about just making it work and it sounds like you’re doing just that! Good for you!
Thanks for the feedback.
Where do NYC bloggers put all of their swag? 😉
Under my bed.
it’s all about being happy where you are…and it sounds like you are! it makes me sick when i hear about people-often celebrities in these huge houses, with tons of $-who aren’t happy! when will people realize $ doesn’t = happiness?!
annae07 at aol dot com
totally agree
I totally agree, having a “big deluxe apartment in the sky” does not make one happy. Being passionate about ones relationships- family and friends, that lasts a lifetime. Your post and the NYT article are very good, thanks.
definitely looks like 600 sq ft of bliss … creating great memories and happy moments …!
big houses are not all they are cracked up to be, it takes love and happiness to turn a house into a home