25 Reasons I love Being the Mother of a Teen
What to Expect the First Year is one of the most popular books for new parents. When I look back at those days, I think wow, talk about simpler times, a bit crazed, the lack of sleep and all. Here we are 13 years later and I am officially the mom of a teenager. Yikes, it really does seem like yesterday that I got the call that would change my life forever telling me I would be a mom to a little baby girl. As I discussed in How to Stay Positive in the Face of Adversity, I have to focus on the positive when I can. So here we are…
25 Reasons I love Being the Mother of Teen.
- I love that my daughter will let me hug her in public (okay, if I force her.)
- I love that my daughter still wants to hold my hand (out of sight of her friends, of course.)
- I love that my daughter wants to bake with me.
- I love that my daughter cooks dinner once a week.
- I love that my daughter considers saving her birthday money for big ticket items rather than spending it immediately. ( I didn’t say does it, the operative word here is considers!)
- I love that my daughter is starting to understand financial trade offs.
- I love that my daughter still takes my fashion advice (sorry, I will never spend my money on acid-washed jeans or short short shorts.)
- I love that my daughter will invite kids over who she really has a so-so relationship with just because the mom and I get along so well.
- I love that my daughter has friends from pre-school that she is still close to.
- I love that my daughter is still confident enough to make new friends.
- I love that my daughter doesn’t want to go to sleepaway camp just yet.
- I love that my daughter puts up with my taking selfies with a selfie stick.
- I love that my daughter will let me embarrass her by demanding photos of her and her friends at school functions.
- I love that my daughter lets me kid her about her “boyfriend.”
- I love that my daughter makes me laugh and not take myself too seriously.
- I love that my daughter is not a wallflower.
- I love that my daughter will always look out for younger kids.
- I love that my daughter loves dogs (because I don’t like them.)
- I love that my daughter can remember parent’s names (Thanks goodness, since I am terrible at remembering names.)
- I love that my daughter can now run to get something I forgot in the supermarket while I stand in line.
- I love that my daughter can now walk to and from school by herself.
- I love that my daughter can run to the supermarket by herself when I need a spice or milk.
- I love that my daughter suggests we go out to dinner (maybe this is because I can only cook 3 things.)
- I love that my daughter still wants to hang with her godmother for their yearly ice skating outing.
- I love that my daughter eventually (operative word here is eventually) tells me her secrets (okay some of her secrets!!)
I would be lying if I said it’s all roses and Gilmore Girls parenting a teen. It is not!! Stay tuned for the flip side list of “why I don’t like parenting a teen.”
What do you love about being the parent of teen?
Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was not compensated for this post.
My kids are now in their 20’s and 30’s – yikes they grow up fast – but I well remember those teen years. I actually enjoyed them. Yes, there are growing pains, but I’ve always been close to my kids and they have always felt like they could tell me anything without me flipping out. I love that you focused on all the positive things about parenting teens.
Aww how cute! I don’t have kids but loved reading this story!
This is such a beautiful post. My kids are still very young, but I can’t wait until they are teenagers. There’s so much to look forward to. At the same time, I’m enjoying every moment when they are young, because it does go by so quickly!
My oldest is a preteen, and at this moment there isn’t too much I love about it yet. He’s amazing though and I can’t wait for him to become a teen and get to experience that!
This is too sweet! Being a mom to a teen is great. It sounds like you guys are close.
What a great list. Being a teen parent has a bad rap but it has some perks too!
How sweet. You are very lucky to have such a close relationship with your teenager. I am kind of struggling at the moment.
I’m not a Mom but I remember being a teen and I hope my mom felt the same way you do!! Great post!!
Love this post! The independent factor is great – and that teens still need their parents too. 🙂 Great post!
Such a wonderful and sweet post. I am the mom to 3 teens at the moment and although it can be challenging it’s great a well.
What a lovely post, I am not a mum yet. When I was a teen I used to ‘overshare’ with my parents and because they are open door policy type of parents it was easy to let them in
Being a mom is the best job ever! I don’t even want to think about my kids becoming teenagers but it is inevitable.
Kids grow up way too fast! I am so glad that you and your daughter still have a bond like this even though she is in her teen years.
Parts of the teen years were especially tough with my girls but we came out on the other side. They are both grown adults now and wonderful people.
It nice to hear you survived the teen years.
Seems like you have a great teenage daughter! You often hear so much about some of the struggles of having a teenager but I love that you’re highlighting all of the positives.
I have to highlight the positives to offset the daily wackiness that happens
Mine is 13 also and I was thinking something similar to this last night. She and I were lying in my bed, looking at Pintrest and giggling like two little girls. I thought how cool!
I always tell her, we are not friends until she puts a college degree in my hands. But the secret truth is..we’re already really great friends and it will only get better. Shhhh don’t tell her I told you.
I love this, my son will hit the teen years next year. I hope he still loves to hug me and kiss me goodbye when he leaves home. I look forward to our bond growing even more.
Such a beautiful post! I don’t have kids but really enjoyed reading your post! Great thoughts!!
Parenting a teen is difficult but still worth it, right? I’m glad that you’re daughter grow up well.