Chasing Life, a new show on ABC Family follows twenty-something April (Ricci), a smart and quick-witted aspiring journalist who is trying to work her way up the ladder at a Boston newspaper, who one day gets the devastating news from an estranged uncle that she has cancer. From then on, April tries to balance her ambitious career with her family – her widowed mom Sara (Keller), rebellious little sister Brenna (Ramm) and her grandmother.
Recently, I had the opportunity to meet up with several members of the cast including Italia Ricci, Haley Ramm, Mary Page Keller and the executive producers of the show, Susanna Fogel and Joni Lefkowitz.
Italia Ricci
Chatting with Italia Ricci who plays the lead character April was a breeze. She is very much like her television character April, enthusiastic, smiling, bright and full of life. Of course she doesn’t have cancer but Italia talked about the character and all the emotions she has to go through especially in the earlier episodes, having to deal with finding out the news to dealing with telling family and friends.
She spoke very candidly about the grueling audition process for the show and how long it was and how thrilled she was in getting the part because April is such a multi – dimensional character. Obviously, the actress doesn’t have cancer so how did she do research on chemotherapy treatments and its aftermath? She actually spoke to Stephen Arnell’s mom, (who you ask, Stephen Arnell is the lead character on one of my favorite shows, “Arrow”) who is a breast cancer survivor. She really gained insight into his mom’s experience to help her in her role. During the interview, we could not figure out the Stephen Arnell connection until she told us that her boyfriend is Robbie Arnell, Stephen’s cousin. Robbie Arnell is also an actor who has to stay fit, so I had to ask about her eating habits. She admitted or should I say she laughed that she in now way has to work out like Robbie or Stephen or be in a on strict diet. Good for her.
Haley Ramm
Haley Ramm who plays Brenna, April’s younger sister is quite the delightful and thoughtful actress. Telling the group that she was very excited to be playing Brenna because she goes through a lot of major upheavals in her life from the bratty high schooler to stepping up when she finds out her sister has cancer to her very complicated love life. Having seen several episodes of the show (It’ must see television), I would agree with Haley that it is a meaty character with great dialogue. Tell us that her acting background is more drama than comedy which is why she feels comfortable in the role. Fun fact: she is a big fan of 50’s and 60’s style and loves Natalie Wood movies.
Mary Page Keller
Mary Page Keller plays April and Brenna’s mom told us, she was attracted to the role because of the complexity of the show and her character. According to Keller, “It’s a rich environment to play,” a multi-dimensional role that is is close to my own sensibilities. As the mom of two boys, she obviously can relate to the role as she worries about her own sons just the way she worries about April and Brenna. Keller discussed how she loves the authenticity of the part and how amazing that is to find in a script. Fun fact: her favorite role was a guest spot on Mad Men mentioning costumes were the best part. She had to wear undergarments like a girdle and stockings plus the 60’s style dress which really gave her a real perspective of that time period.
The team behind the shows, Executive Producers Sean Smith, and writers, Joni Lefkowitz and Susanna Fogel offered up so many tidbits about the filming of the show. The pilot was actually shot in Boston to offer a real authentic vibe because Boston is like another character in the show. But alas, the remainder of the series is shot in Los Angeles with two to three scenes for each episode are actually set in Boston. Did you know the show is based on a Mexican show, Terminales? Susanna Fogel and Joni Lefkowitz talked about how they did not want to show to be just about cancer because that really is too depressing but more about getting on with life. Well, as a fan of the show, I can attest that they go the format right.
ABC Family Chasing Life
Tune into Chasing Life at 9:00pm ET/PT on ABC Family.
Official ABC Family “Chasing Life” website. Stay social on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram.
Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was provided a trip to the Los Angeles for a Disney, Marvel, DreamWorks ABC Family hosted press event. Opinions are 100% my own. #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent, #100FootJourneyEvent, #ABCFamilyEvent.