Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez
Q. What do they all have in common?
A. They are all sexy mom celebrities.
As I perused People magazine’s 2011 Most Beautiful issue, I decided it’s time to give a shout out to women who are sexy moms but aren’t famous or celebrities except to their gazillions of loyal readers.
In my not so humble opinion – Mom plus Blogger Equals Sexy. Take that Maxim, FHM and People Magazine!
Here is an ode to the Top 33 Sexiest New York Mom Bloggers. This is no particular order as all the women on my list are powerful, strong, funny and damn right amazing and I am lucky to know them and call them friends.
33 Sexiest New York Mom Bloggers- 2011 Edition
1. Beth Feldman – Follow Beth on Twitter @rolemommy
2. Kim Coleman – Follow Kim on Twitter @mominthecity
3. Yakini Etheridge – Follow Yakini on Twitter @theprissymommy
4. Jill Seiman – Follow Jill on Twitter @glamamomnyc
5. Carol Cain – Follow Carol on Twitter @nycitymama
6. Melissa Chapman – Follow Melissa on Twitter @madijack
7. Alicia Harper – Follow Alicia on Twitter @mommydelicious
8 – 11. The Blogging Angels also known as Rebecca Levey (, Nancy Friedman ( ), Heidi Leder ( and Amy Oztan ( Follow the blogging angels on Twitter @bloggingangels, Rebecca @beccasara , Nancy @Hip2Housewife, Heidi @c2cmom and Amy @selfishmom
13. Marinka – Follow Marinka on Twitter @MarinkaNYC
14. Holly Rosen Fink – Follow Holly on Twitter @theculturemom
15. Veronica Pericon – Follow Veronica on Twitter @veepveep or @SavvyMommy
16. Leni Calas – Follow Leni on Twitter @QueensMamas
17. -1 8. – The Getting Gorgeous chicks also know as Vera Sweeney ( and Audrey McClelland ( Follow Vera on Twitter @VeraSweeney and Audrey @Audreymcclellan
19. Lauren Jimenson – aMommyintheCity. Follow Lauren on Twitter @amommyinthecity
20 . Nancy Horn – Follow Nancy on Twitter @Nancy_Horn
21. Issa Mas – Follow Issa on Twitter @IssaMas
22. Ofelia NJ – Follow Ofelia on Twitter @OfeliaNJ
23. Lisa Perez – Follow Lisa @NewYorkChica
24. Jen Rabulan – Bertram – Follow Jen on Twitter @ jenrab
25. Nicole Feliciano – Mom Trends. Follow Nicole @MomTrends
26. Varda – Follow Varda on Twitter @squashedmom
27. Ellen Seidman – Follow Ellen on Twitter @LoveThat Max
28. Ilana Rosengarten – Follow Ilana on Twitter @mommyshorts
29. Midaglia Rivera – Follow Midaglia on Twitter @MsLatina
30. Dagmar Bleasdale – Follow Dagmar on Twitter @DagmarBleasdale
31. Divina – Follow Divina on Twitter @dancinghotdogs
32. Mitch Chaitlin – Follow Mitch on Twitter @gaynycdad – A note as everyone who knows Mitch refers to himself as a Stay at Home Mom, so here he is.
33. Linda Grant – Follow Linda on Twitter @NYCSingleMom – I am pulling a Dick Cheyney, Harriet Meirs stunt here. Just in case you don’t remember your political history. Dick Cheyney was put in charge of selecting a Vice Presidential running mate for George W. Bush and selected himself. Harriet Meirs was in charge of selecting a Supreme Court nominee and selected herself. So how could I not put together a list of the Sexiest New York Mom Bloggers and not put my own name on the list.
Honorable Mentions – Sexy New York bloggers but just not moms but support us moms.
- Patty – Follow Patty on Twitter @NYCPatty
- Tracy Iglesias – Ascending Follow Tracy on Twitter @Tracey_Iglesias
Take some time and discover the voices of these great women (and one man). And People magazine, feel free to reach out and do a special issue dedicated to us because I am sure that with a group of stylists, make up artists, fans, retouching and your team, we could all be great cover girls. I am just saying….
What a honor – didn’t expect to see my name in there with all the sexy bloggers. Thank you Linda! and you’re right, it’s fine to put yourself on the list! Sexy mama! 🙂
Linda you are the best and by far one of the sexiest moms I know. Thank you so much for the honor of being on this list. I am with truly fabulous company! You made my day.
Thanks for the welcoming comments
Fabulous!!!! !!
And SO honored to have made the list!
If I could re-tweet this 1000 times I would – BUT, alas, firewalls at work (lol). Will do so when I get home!!! 🙂
We’re the lucky ones my friend! Thanks for including me on such a fabulous list! xo
I could REALLY get used to this:) xo!! And just love the LOVE in this post- feel so blessed to be a part of this community!
Thanks, Linda! What a great way to start my day!
And hey, People Magazine – I need a team of hair and makeup artists. STAT! Let’s make that happen, m’kay? Thanks.
What a wonderful surprise to be included in this list of fiercely fabulous woman and one tremendously nurturing hunk of man! Thank you Linda I am honored! xo
What a GREAT idea to celebrate the amazing MOMS of NY! It’s an honor to know and have met some of these ladies. I hope to meet them all 🙂
I’m humbled by the honorable mention! Love ya! I’m am definitely a supports of Moms!:)
Awesome list!!! All bloggers that I adore!
I love it and 33 is such a sexy number!
Linda, you are too much. What a sweet idea! I’m so honored to be mentioned on this list and honored to call you my friend. Wish we would see each other more often.
Just by coincidence my latest post is called Lucky Three Times Three 🙂
Stumbled! LOL
Dagmar’s momsense
Glad you enjoyed, its my idea of linky love and FF all in one.
Hil-ar-ious! Hello people–you know where to find us. And how about a calendar too!
I love the calendar idea. Your the second person to mention a calendar.
I love this concept and idea! These are ALL women that I admire in some way. Thanks so much, Linda! And you my friend, are definitely one HOTT NYC Mama!!! Ouch!
Thank you so much Linda! I am in great company!!
What an honor to be included! I love ALL these ladies (and Mitch)!!! 😀
People’s list doesn’t have anything on yours 🙂
Thanks for the inclusion, friend.
Fantastic list! I’ll have to check these peeps out. I’m a former NYer, so I’m always prone to finding my kind and sticking with ’em! 😉
Yes take some time, they are great blogs and cover the gamut on topics
OMG, I am so thrilled to be on this list! You are just the nicest (and the sexiest) Mom around! Thank you! (You inspire me towards way too many !!!!)
Um, somehow I did not know about this till today. Damn proud to be included in this awesome list! And loved seeing you today.
Hello Ladies,
Russ Klein here, Manhattan-born, now living in LA the last 2 years.
I gotta say honesty, it is really nice to see intelligent, smart and strong-minded mothers band together and let their voices be heard and opinions be counted! I am all for it!
Want to tell you, my friend just launched a fantastic parenting site I am so excited about!!! I was online trying to spread the word back home (NYC) when I stumbled onto your “sexy 33 list” (Do you like my shortening of your title? It rhymes which is cool, but unfortunately sounds a bit like it could be pornography? Not cool.)
Anyway, is fun for kids, w interesting games, education resources, health tips, help for parents/kids and of course their cornerstone… Drumroll… Playdate Ideas! CHECK IT OUT!
I am sure the fine people at would be honored to hear what EVEN ONE of the 33 Sexiest New York Mom Bloggers thought of the beta site!
You can email me direct with any questions about me or this message:
Or, Just leave a comment, tell them Russ sent you!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will keep reading your blogs, so keep writing!
Russ Klein
West Hollywood, CA
Playdate WRuss on Facebook (w picture)
UP TO $8K—>Single and pregnant women at least 24 years old, fabulous and successful! No more than 5 months pregnant.
Cities: LA, SD, SF, Vegas and AZ
email for details ASAP
hello sexy mom I am looking for Debbie marie lee she went to issaquah high
school 1980 or any sexy moms of new york
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